
autumn shoot Learn more about autumn shoot

  • The importance of determining the autumn shoot as the main fruiting mother branch of longan

    The importance of determining the autumn shoot as the main fruiting mother branch of longan

    Longan and other subtropical evergreen fruit trees have new shoots every year, which shoot 4-5 times a year in Fuzhou area, spring shoot 1-2 times, autumn shoot 1-2 times, winter shoot less, only a large number of winter shoots are produced in warm winter climate. According to the golden pine,

    2020-11-08 Determine the importance of autumn shoot longan main fruit mother branch etc.
  • The latest ways to promote the ripening of citrus autumn shoots

    The latest ways to promote the ripening of citrus autumn shoots

    The autumn shoot of citrus is the fruiting mother branch, and the robust and neat autumn shoot is highly expected by every fruit grower. Good autumn shoot can not only reduce the phenomenon of customer service, but also ensure high and stable yield. But in the process of production, fruit growers often encounter citrus.

    2020-11-10 The latest how to promote citrus autumn shoot mature
  • Introduction of Management measures for late Autumn shoot Culture of Litchi

    Introduction of Management measures for late Autumn shoot Culture of Litchi

    Drip irrigation fertilization technology is the combination of fertilization and irrigation, through drip irrigation equipment for fertilization. The application of automatic drip irrigation and fertilization technology on litchi varieties Heiye, Feizixiao, Nuomici, Guiwei and Huaizhi can significantly increase litchi yield, increase the proportion of large fruits, ensure high and stable yield, and significantly save labor, fertilizer and.

  • How to promote the ripening of citrus autumn shoots

    How to promote the ripening of citrus autumn shoots

    How to promote the ripening of citrus autumn shoots

  • Medium-ripe litchi: cultivating strong autumn shoots

    Medium-ripe litchi: cultivating strong autumn shoots

    1. Results in late May, each tree was treated with compound fertilizer (N, P, K 15 ∶ 15 ∶ 15) 0.5kg, applied at the crown dripping line, shallow ring ditches or shallow ditches on both sides, and covered with soil to stabilize fruit and strong shoots. two。 Annona root system is shallow, and the new root is fleshy, cork is slow, avoid drought and afraid of stagnant water. Because.

  • How to manage Longan in Autumn

    How to manage Longan in Autumn

    The autumn shoot attack and release period of longan. Due to different planting areas, the growth state of longan is also different, the first new shoot has just been extracted, it is necessary to cultivate autumn shoots according to the characteristics of varieties and the conditions of each orchard. ① spray protects new shoots. At present, the new shoots of longan are damaged by longan horned wood lice,

    2020-11-08 Longan autumn how management longan autumn shoot attack and release period . Because of
  • How to plant the latest citrus trees

    How to plant the latest citrus trees

    Citrus is a fruit promoted in our lives, many people also grow oranges themselves, especially in the south, and if growing oranges want to have high yield and good quality, they must do a good job. So do you know how to put oranges on top? Let's get to know it.

    2020-11-10 The latest citrus tree should how shoot yes we life
  • How to prevent and cure the cracked fruit of yellow skin?

    How to prevent and cure the cracked fruit of yellow skin?

    How to plant and manage the yellow skin of chicken heart? Please guide the chicken heart yellow skin is the best quality variety of all yellow skin strains, because of its "big fruit, thick meat, sweet taste" and deeply welcomed by the majority of consumers. It is easy to cultivate and manage, has strong adaptability to various climatic factors and soil conditions, and is very suitable for cultivation and production in this area. 200...

  • Sugar orange planting technology: how to apply sugar orange strong fruit fertilizer?

    Sugar orange planting technology: how to apply sugar orange strong fruit fertilizer?

    Sand sugar orange strong fruit fertilizer how to apply? Please introduce the method of applying autumn shoot fertilizer to tangerine when applying strong fruit fertilizer. the methods are as follows: first, at the stage from autumn shoot to full ripening of autumn shoot, fruit growth and development, need to have a certain amount of continuous nutrients to provide, but also need to have.

  • How to plant citrus trees

    How to plant citrus trees

    How to plant citrus trees

  • Autumn management of longan grape

    Autumn management of longan grape

    After longan crops are inoculated and planted, if they can be managed normally, they will enter the fruiting period after 3 years, timely release autumn shoots, cultivate the formation of strong fruiting mother branches, control winter shoots, pay attention to ear thinning and panicle control during flowering, improve fruit setting rate, and do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. it is the key technical measures for high and stable yield of longan fruit trees, among them, flowering and fruit stage.

  • Annual planting Management of Sugar Orange

    Annual planting Management of Sugar Orange

    Sand sugar tangerine is an evergreen fruit tree, which has many times of life cycle, long fruit growth period, assimilation and flower bud differentiation in winter.

  • Introduction: why navel oranges should "sparse spring shoots and wipe summer shoots"

    Introduction: why navel oranges should

    The scientific practice of "thinning spring shoots and wiping summer shoots" for navel orange trees one year before or after production is an important measure to protect fruit and increase production. However, due to many fruit farmers will not use or improper implementation methods, not only failed to achieve the expected goal of high yield, but also caused the consequences of small crown, few branches and leaves and low yield of navel orange. Now the spring shoots will be sparse.

  • Summer pruning technique of navel orange

    Summer pruning technique of navel orange

    First, variety selection and garden construction. Through the comparative observation of 15 navel orange strains suitable for subtropical humid climate, it is found that Newhall, Linna, Frost, Fuben and Xin-79 have high and stable yield, good quality and high commodity performance, which is worth popularizing and developing. The selection of navel orange seedlings should be correct.

  • Key points of Management of Litchi Longan fruiting trees

    Key points of Management of Litchi Longan fruiting trees

    First, do a good job of postharvest management. 1. Timely harvest. When picking fruit, one fruit should be cut twice. First, cut the ear together with the base of the fruiting branch, or even the base of the branch below the fruiting branch, and then cut off the ear. The branches below the ear do not shrink much, depending on the growth of the mother branch, and the ones that grow well are shortened.

  • Sprouting time and matters needing attention of citrus in spring

    Sprouting time and matters needing attention of citrus in spring

    Sprouting time and matters needing attention of citrus in spring

  • Is the late autumn shoot coming out of the orange tree in Shatang now?

    Is the late autumn shoot coming out of the orange tree in Shatang now?

    Excuse me, are the late autumn shoots coming out now? My Shatang tangerine will be trial-produced next year. Will it be released or erased this time? When is the flower bud differentiation? When does the ring cut start? At present, it is late autumn, about 20 days from the Beginning of Winter's festival. Sand sugar orange in the late autumn, of course, belongs to the late autumn shoot. The initiation time of flower bud differentiation of sand sugar orange usually begins at the end of October or the beginning of November. That is, before this time, the non-autumn shoots of the plants that need to be arranged to hang fruit the following year should be fully mature before the flower bud differentiation period.

  • Longan winter cold-proof points

    Longan winter cold-proof points

    1. Cultivate healthy autumn shoots. Autumn shoot is the fruiting mother shoot of longan in the coming year, and also one of the main branches of longan overwintering. Whether autumn shoot is healthy or not affects its ability of overwintering and cold protection. Therefore, the last autumn shoots of longan are generally controlled in the middle and late October. It is better to apply nitrogen fertilizer and drench water before shooting.

  • Key points of cold prevention of longan in winter

    Key points of cold prevention of longan in winter

    1. Cultivate strong autumn shoots. Autumn shoot is the mother branch of longan in the coming year, and it is also one of the main branches of longan overwintering. Whether the autumn shoot is strong or not affects its ability to survive the winter. Therefore, the last autumn shoot of longan is generally controlled in the middle or late October, and it is best before the shoot is released.

    2020-11-08 Winter longan cold key points cultivation robust autumn shoot .
  • Key points of September Management of growing Litchi

    Key points of September Management of growing Litchi

    Management measures: 1. After the autumn shoot matured at the end of March, it entered the flower bud differentiation period at the end of this month or early October. Those who were born late should be sprayed with foliar fertilizer to promote their green maturity in early October, and those who could not mature should be controlled in time. two。 In case of drought, water should be drenched to promote the timely extraction of the last autumn shoot. 3. Note

    2020-11-08 Species litchi September management key points measures March red